Player Piano

Today’s Learning Objectives


Keep Sketching!

This week explore using Vuo and node-based programming. The focus this week is on the tool rather than the form, so use Vuo to create whatever you like: images, animation, video processors, or interactive experiences.

Challenge: Synesthesia

Create a Vuo sketch that creates a "music visualization", an animation driven by sound input. In today’s lecture we discussed the relationship between computers and our senses of sound and vision. Can you create a visualization that allows us to see something in the music that is difficult to hear?


Computers, Vision and Hearing




Switches + Logic


Inputs and Outputs


EM Spectrum

Eye Frequency Response



Freq Response

Emissive Color

Reflective/Absorptive Color

Our Eyes + Visual Processing


Our understanding of color/color theory is informed from the anatomy of our eye and the way our mind processes vision.

We talk about what color something is a single thing: dark blue, pink, vivid green. We don’t think about the color of something as a little bit green, a little bit blue, and a lot red. We definitely don’t think of color as the sum of the many in between wavelengths.

We talk about primary colors, and color wheels.


A wave of air pressure and displacement. Something in contact with air vibrates. As that thing pushes forward, it pushes the particles air in front of it forward into the the particles of air in front of them. Making an area of higher pressure. This high pressure area pushes out in all directions, and a wave of pressure begins to propagate though the air.

This pressure wave can push on other things like microphones and our ears. Our ears are able to detect very rapid and subtle changes in this pressure. And we are then able to understand the amplitude, frequency, and even shape of these changes. Because we have two ears, spaced a few inches apart, we can compare what each ear hears to gain spacial information as well.

How Hearing Works Sound

Our Ears and Auditory Processing

Our Ears Make Mistakes Sensitivity of Human Ear

Vision VS Hearing


“To give you just one example of how much better visuals can get; in order for Crescent Bay to deliver the same pixel density as a monitor at a normal viewing distance, it would have to have a resolution of about 5K by 5K per eye, something like 20 times as many pixels as it currently has. In order for it to have retinal resolution at a field of view of 180 degrees, it would have to have something on the order of 16K by 16K resolution, roughly 200 times as many pixels.”

— Michael Abrash

Our audio recording and playback capabilities are much closer to saturating the sensitivity of our ears.

Even two perfect microphones, recordings, and speakers can do a pretty good job of fooling you into thinking a recording sound is a real sound. But a recording not enough on its own. We can move our heads, and we can use our understanding of space in interpreting sounds. For VR sound, the computer must process the sound to place sounds three-dimensional, acoustic space.

Vuo and Node Based Programming

Other Node Based Programming Tools

In-Class Study


Vuo Tutorials